Sun Sim Registration

Online Sun SIM Registration with Link in 2025

If you have registered your TM SIM or Globe SIM or have any experience with SIM registration, then you will not have any difficulty with Sun SIM registration. The process is almost similar and can be done quickly.

Registering your Sun SIM became essential after the government of the Philippines implemented the SIM Registration Act. This step was taken to reduce the crime rate and improve the SIM services for the users.

Let’s take a look at the simple steps of the Sun SIM registration process and its requirements, so keep reading!

What is the Sun SIM Registration?

sun sim registration

Sun SIM was established in 2001 by the famous Philippines company Digitel Mobile Philippines, Inc. Yes! The obvious reason was to offer affordable and flexible calling, roaming, and texting services to Filipinos.

However, in 2011, PLDT purchased Sun and integrated it with the Smart SIM services. So now, Sun has totally retired from the Philippines but is being used with Smart SIM. 

However, no matter what SIM you buy, Sun or Smart, it is compulsory for everyone to register their SIM. The process to register Sun SIM is extremely easy and is mentioned in the below sections.

Steps for Sun SIM Registration via Link

Simple and quick steps to register your Sun SIM are mentioned below. So, if you aim to register your Sun SIM, follow these steps:

  • To start the globe sim registration or your Sun SIM, you must have a computer or a mobile device. Open them and turn on the internet.
  • Now, search for the Sun SIM Registration link, or simply click on Or click on this button below:
  • You will be directed to the Smart SIM card registration page. 
  • There, you will see a box to enter your Sun SIM number, so enter your SIM number.
sun sim registration
  • Now, check the box and click on submit. You will receive an OTP code within a few seconds.
  • Enter the OTP code in the required place and verify your number.
  • Now, click on the Okay button and proceed to the next steps.
sun sim registration
  • Fill out the form by entering your basic information in it. You should make sure that all the information is correct.
  • Carefully provide all the information, such as your address, zip code, contact information, and then click on next.
sun Sim Registration
sun sim registration
  • In the next step, check the Terms and Conditions box and then submit the form.
  •  Congratulations! You have successfully registered your Sun SIM.
  • You should save the reference number you see on the screen so you can use it later. 
sun Sim registration

Requirements For Sun SIM Registration

sun registration process

To register your Sun SIM, you must collect all the essential information mentioned below:

Basic Information

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Nationality
  • Valid Id
  • Sun or Smart Sim
  • Stable Internet
  • Clear Scan of ID

Acceptable IDs

  • Driver’s License
  • Firearms License
  • IBP ID
  • NBI Clearance
  • Passport
  • Philippine National ID
  • Police Clearance
  • PRC ID
  • PWD Card
  • IBP ID
  • Senior Citizen’s Card
  • SSS/GSIS Card
  • TIN ID
  • UMID Card
  • Voter’s ID

Sun SIM Essential Information Guide

If you are planning to use Sun SIM services to improve your call and text services, then you must have basic information about this service. This information will help you to do more packages or learn about new offers.

These essential numbers and package details are given below:

USSD MenuDial *247# to access Sun Prepaid and Postpaid offers.
Text HotlineText SUNSAGOT to 1200 for 24/7 inquiries on promos and services.
Postpaid MenuText SUNSAGOT Postpaid to 1200 for Postpaid menu access.
Prepaid MenuText SUNSAGOT Prepaid to 1200 for Prepaid menu access.
Broadband MenuText SUNSAGOT Broadband to 1200 for Broadband menu access.
General InquiryText SUNSAGOT to 1200 for inquiries about Sun services and promos.
Prepaid BalanceEnsure at least a P1.00 balance for SUN Sagot access on Prepaid.

Data, Calls, and Text Packages of Sun SIM

Some of the common packages of the Sun SIM are mentioned below, so that you can subscribe to them after your Sun SIM registration.

Surf Plus 20 (Data)

Price20 PHP
Data3000 MB
Validity2 Days
Taking InUnlimited Text

Surf Plus 50 (Data)

Price50 PHP
Data1 GB
Validity3 Days
Taking InUnlimited Text

Call and Text Combo (20)

Price20 PHP
Calls30 Minutes to Sun, Smart & TNT
Validity2 Days
Taking In50 SMS to All Sim

Call and Text Combo (50)

Price50 PHP
Calls100 Minutes to Sun, Smart & TNT
Validity5 Days
Taking In50 SMS to All Sim

Troubleshooting Errors of Sun SIM Registration

Here are some common issues that users face in the Sun Sim Registration process. When registering your SIM, you should check these to avoid all types of errors or registration failures.

Invalid ID Card or Photo

An essential feature that people often ignore is that they upload low-quality images or ID cards, which are blurry and hard to understand. Therefore, you should try uploading an image and ID card which is clear and of high-quality.

Issues in Website Working

Sometimes, when you are trying to register your Sun SIM card or filling the form, you will notice that either the website shows continuous buffering, or the page reloads after every few seconds.

The solution to this issue is to check your internet connection, as an unstable connection causes all of these issues. 


When you register your Sun SIM, make sure you have collected all the essential documents and information. All these are essential for your verification. 

Moreover, if you want to learn the steps to register your Sun SIM, then all the steps are mentioned in detail in this article. You must give it a read.

Registering your Sun SIM is easy, as it is a simple and quick process. However, it is rare that you experience any issues when registering, but if you do, you can contact the official SIM service customer team.

Read Also: Smart Sim Registration, Dito Sim Registration


Yes, Sun SIM is integrated with PLDT; however, according to the PLDT announcement on October 21, 2020, Sun SIM was associated with the Smart SIM network.

Yes! To register your Sun Sim, you have to open the link, enter your accurate information, and submit your form. Registering your Sun Sim is that easy.

Of course, you can buy Sun Sim, but you should know that now this SIM service is managed and registered by the Smart SIM services.

Yes, by clicking on this link You can easily register your SIM online.

If your Sun SIM registration fails, then you must check whether you have provided accurate information when filling out the form. You must also check that your internet connection is stable. If your registration still fails, then consult the service support team.

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